$10 GC for Osteorarthritis Survey--Additional GC for Followup--*Must Qualify*


Master League
Sep 24, 2006
Reaction score
$10 GC for Osteorarthritis Survey--Additional GC for Followup--*Must Qualify*


It doesn't tell you what store the gc is to. :wave:

Scroll down until you see "Health Solutions from our sponsors" and click on the "Living with Knee Pain" link.

Thank you for completing our survey. We’d like to invite you to participate in a 2-minute follow-up survey after you have finished looking at this section of the WebMD site. After completing the follow-up survey you will receive an additional $10 gift card.
thanks joyce...took survey and will wait patiently hoping gift card comes
Thank's Joyce and Happy New Year!
"Thank you for your participation!"

has anyone figured out what store this is for yet???

I qualified for 2 gift cards! I have osteoarthritis and am sidelined because I need knee replacement surgery. My doctor says that I am too young and would prefer to wait, even though I had hip replacement surgery already and have had arthritis since age 4. This survey helped me to learn about a new type of joint replacement surgery that I am VERY interested in. Thank you for the helpful post.
I don't know if that's something to brag about :convinced: but I too qualified for 2 gift cards! I have been diagnosed with Osteoarthritis for the past 10 years now along with Fibromyalgia, not fun but receiving $20.00 for a (hopefully) a retail place near me will be a nice little bonus.
Thanks, Joyce...you are just the best with this stuff!
God bless and HAPPY NEW YEAR!:dancing:
:censored: :censored: :censored: :censored:

That site is not made for blonds!!! I was like dang a freakin pop up!! and then i realized Ughhhhhhhhh:doh:

:banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

Just curious if anyone who qualified ever got their gift cards for completing this survey? Thanks!
searched extensively, could not find anything offering a survey, is that offer now removed or I am missing something?
i qualified havent seen anything yet, well i used my parents info that is
Survey is over now. I did qualify but have yet to receive a GC. Still hoping