10% off BestBuy Item from 6/11 to 6/14

Bump... This coupon is good this weekend!

Update 8:50 PM: Best Buy took this coupon w/o a hitch. The computer wouldnt take it, but the guy @ the register took out a sheet of paper that I filled out and I got the 10% off. :)

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Thanks again

I got a trainee at the register when buying a HD with a killer rebate. Gave her the coupon and the computer wouldn't take it. Her supervisor said "No Problem" and manually gave me the 10% off.

Spoofee is a great place for deals..... :clown:
Same thing happened when I bought a Wireless card. puter wouldnt take the coupon, filled out a slip and got it :) Check the hot deals forum and see if the deal u did is in there. If not post the deal w/ the details :)

The deal I got was from Sunday 6/6 paper. It had the 120GB Western Digital hard disk for $119.99 with $40 in rebates. With the coupon, I got most of my sales tax taken care of so it ended up being under $70 with the rebate.

Thanks again.... :clown: