128mb Secure Digital Card + USB reader for $15 after MIR


Silver Member
May 20, 2003
Reaction score
This deal is good today 11/30/03 only.

1) Go to http://www.circuitcity.com/detail.jsp?c=1&b=g&qp=0&bookmark=bookmark_0&oid=69338&catoid=-10267
and add the PNY 128 mb SD card.
Next add the http://www.circuitcity.com/detail.jsp?c=1&b=g&qp=0&bookmark=bookmark_0&oid=70118&catoid=-11467 USB reader.
Buy online and select instore pickup. Your total should be about $90 depending on tax.

2) Go here and print off the Staples ad.

3) Bring the staples ad with you when you pick up the items. Ask them to price match the staples ad for the card.
My CircuitCity gave me a $35 gift card for the difference.

Now send in the $20 card rebate and the $20 reader rebate.


I think I'll be buying Soul Calibur 2 with my gift card. :D
how come they price match it to $35? shouldn't it be only $25? because tat's the difference in the SD card price...*lost* y do they price match the reader price too? care to explain? thanks...
Yeah, I don't think the guy knew what he was doing.
Staples price was $40 after MIR
CircuitCity was $69.99

Should have been $30 + 10% of the difference =$33
i dont' think it will price matchthe rebate...the rebate doesn't get match...so it's only $25 + 10% = $27.50