I disagree (actually with both of you) but we all have the same platform to express our opinions. I'm still struggling with who my write-in candidate will be.
Jerry, you can always put MY NAME in the blank space!
Or how about Jeb Stuart's?!?! I mean afterall, if either of them get into office, the USA will "go to the dogs" anyway! LOL Just kidding people, so no hate mail please!
Sorry, it is the jet lag talking.
No matter what one's political views or, political aspirations may be, voting is our right and our duty. I may not agree with anyone persons choice but I try hard to respect the same. Hey, at least they HAVE MADE their choice right? :convinced: In the end, it is the Congressional elections where we really need to pay attention. My greatest concern is a Democrate President and a Democrate House Majority. Where will the "check and balance" come in and who will monitor the same?:sus:
What I do not like about Obama is that he changes his linguistic cadence of speech depending if his audience is black, or white! Like what the hell is that all about?!?! Pick a speech pattern, and, stay with it! Don't try to court the black vote one minute and tell people you don't see any color the next, liar face! I do not like his wife, she has a mouth like a guppy and is to militant for me! Besides, she would no doubt decorate the White House in African safari motiffs! Anyone that "The OPRAH" would endorse, I would run from immediately anyway. From a medical perspective, his health care plan blows, and, so many people are going to get shafted, especially the children. I cannot abide anything that or anyone that threatens our children, or any child for that matter. Obama reminds me of Jimmy Carter, who, during his campaign for Governor told the black people one thing, and, the white segregationalists another just to get elected. The day of the his entering the Governor's mansion, both black and whites in Georgia were shocked at his "turn around policies!" Obama is courting and soothing the American people and if elected, will turn around and shock the hell out of them when he mentions the words "sacrifice and do without." He is indeed playing the race card and the bait and switch game. There IS a definitive "Black America" and a "White America." No sense sugar coating the same. Why can't he just be for ALL Americans?
What I don't like about McCain is that he has shafted women in the past with his policies, and, has no concern for their medical issues in the present or the future. He did however support the law protecting Latino women regarding abusive situations, Obama did not support it. Keep the Government out of medical issues, period. I don't like McCain's economical policies, and, his teeth annoy me! His wife isn't the American norm either. How many of us wear a size four and suits that cost into the thousands? Mrs. McCain would at least turn the White House into Beverly Hills glam, or maybe Arizona dessert neutral? Just cannot relate to her at all. She does however fund overseas medical missions for children, and, that is bonus for me. McCain needed a fuller head of steam early on, and, now trying to play catch up games is proving detrimental. And what is up with Sarah Palin dragging her infant son around like he is a sack of potatoes? Leave that kid out of it, folks with handicap children know you have a disable son, let that baby at home to rest already! McCain is being more honest with the American people, but sadly things are so bad folks want that more "hopeful cheerleading voice" and not the voice of reason and experience. Since I have worked with the military for about twenty years on medical issues, I would hope that he would at least give our Veterns better benefits and more experienced health care. They deserve the same and their families do as well.
So there is my opinion...who am I voting for you may ask? I remain...undecided.
Anyway we can combine the two that may work?!?!:convinced:At least if we combined the two wives, the White House china would have African animals painted on it, but, a Tiffany price tag attached.
Time to go nighty night...say Good-night Rags...okay...Good-night Rags!:claps: