2009 Walt Disney World Moms Panel


The Shell Seeker
Jul 8, 2007
Reaction score
Beginning September 8 through September 19, interested applicants can visit www.disneyworldmoms.com/2009 to learn more about the Walt Disney World Moms Panel and enter. Candidates will be asked to answer a series of questions and write three brief essays; selected panelists will serve a one-year term and will each receive a 5-night, 6-day vacation to Walt Disney World for four people.

And as a thank you for helping to spread the word, we would like to extend the following link to download "A Magical Back-to-School Breakfast" straight from the Disney Cookbook for you and your family to enjoy!
Got the same e-mail, you beat me to it. We have to remember to bump this one so we don't forget about it.
This opened yesterday and I didn't remember until today but they are still taking applications!!
just got the email too :)

Dear Yvette,

Thank you for submitting your application to become an online panelist for the new Walt Disney World Moms Panel question and answer forum at disneyworld.com.

As a reminder, applicants who are selected for the next round in the hiring process will be contacted by a representative from Walt Disney World® Resort. We are sorry, but due to the high number of submissions, we will be unable to reach out to applicants not chosen to advance.

Thank you once again for your time and interest in the exciting new program.

Walt Disney Parks and Resorts Online<
woo hoo

Now That is an awsome find!..thanks for posting it.. :claps:
Thanks for posting! I'm going to go sign up right now!
I'm stuck. I'm logged in, because I already had an account... and it's not taking me anywhere to sign up for this? Please help someone I feel stupid.
Well I filled it out and Look forward to not hearing from them...They are only looking for 16 people...This is the only way my kids are ever going to be able to go there..,unless I win the lottery....
I was finally able to take the little survey thing for this. Thanks!
Thanks but living in Florida i think i've got as much of a shot of getting this as winning the Florida Lottery! :verysad: :verysad: :verysad:
I filled it out... we shall see! I don't think I'll be holding my breath. Still a little burned with all of the houseparty rejections, so i'm not too optimistic!
Thanks! I shared with all of the moms in my life. :teeth:
Well, I'm not a mommy unless you count my feline fur babies... But I fwd'd this onto one of my friends w/2 little guys. Hope some spoofee people get this! It's an awesome find!! I'm kinda a Disney junkie. Hubby & I are hoping to go there this spring.
My aforementioned friend that I fwd'd this to said you had to have been to Disney w/in the past 12 months to qualify. :(
I totally forgot about this! Thank for the reminder!