3 Free MP3s from Amazon

Thanks! I'm going to need my daughter's help using this but they have a good selection of singles for $0.99 (under best sellers). I'm guessing that if you spend more then $3 you have to use a credit card. Does anybody know if you can use it for less than $3 (like 3 singles for $0.99)? It would be hard to use it for exactly $3.
Yes - this is like a gift certificate/prepaid credit card - use what you need and give up what you don't. It can also be used across multiple purchases.
Nice! Your link is wrong..it points to "hhttp://..." Might want to change that...
Works great! Thanks!

(Don't have to remove the first 'h' anymore, spazntwitch fixed it.)
Worked awesome for me
just got 3 great songs
I guess it worked for me. I got 2 songs. They were 1.29 each. So I didn't try for a third. Thanks!

UPDATE. This is not free. Even though I clicked on link and followed directions I still got charged. And how they charged my account is beyond me since I don't store any of that info.
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mp3 free

free it good:)

i used it for (3)99 cents songs,downloaded to my computer,no tax,they only charge tax you if it something you want that's over the $3 and you have to add the cost to a credit/debit card/check
We did it! 3 free songs! Thanks so much!