4866 Servings of Survival Food for $799.99 Shipped


Staff member
Dec 21, 2001
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If you are a believer of the end of Mayan calendar in 2012 or the financial collapse causing martial law or just want to be prepared for the worst, this is a great deal. Costco is offering 4866 of dehydrated and freeze-dried food for $799.99 shipped.

That's about $0.16/serving

Regular Price : $999.99 Shipped

1. Costco Price : $799.99 Shipped
Something like this would have been good for the people of New Orleans that were stranded for days. You may not need this much, but something is better than nothing and it could have been shared with the neighbors.

We've got about a 3-month food supply and we are working to get a bigger one, just in case. To be honest, we had a much larger one but when I got laid off from work several years ago, it was nice knowing we weren't going to starve. It doesn't have to be a natural disaster as there are other things just as devastating.
I bought one. I can't believe people are making fun of this . . . So tacky. Wait till it all goes down, and then the laugh is on you.
Sort of useless without fresh water available. You will likely have 4856 of these left over to share with the other zombies.
If I buy this, probably my mom is going to kill me before the disaster arrives .....