$50 Bladder Weakness Study--Women Ages 40+


Master League
Sep 24, 2006
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Women needed for incontinence bladder weakness product market research study. We are a major global market research company, and we conduct studies designed to evaluate new products for those suffering from bladder weakness or incontinence on a daily basis. Participating in these types of tests helps manufacturers to make better products for all who suffer from bladder weakness.

If you qualify and are available, we ship you a 2 week supply of products to try for free. We ask you to respond to a simple product diary and 2 short (ten minute) telephone interviews.
In return, all those who complete all aspects of the research are sent a check for $50 as our way of saying thank you

We are looking for women 40+ who use an incontinence bladder weakness product.

If you are interested please respond back as soon as possible.
Please include your name, phone number, the product you use and your waist size. It is important to be as specific as possible Depends or Serenity/Tena incontinent .

Sizes 8-18!

Please email the Market Research recruiter your name and number so she can prescreen you:

Reply to: [email protected] Or Call 561-694-7586(LYNN)...calling is better, they are desperate

Don't anyone tell precocious that i signed her up for this.:bigok:
thanks joyce ..the lady called i am in ,thank you very much i can use the money...