50 States Quiz

My score was a 35.21, but at least I knew where my state was!! :) :wave:
39 out of 51 with a score of 76.47 I think my bifocals screwed me up!! I got close on the map, at least I knew somewhat where they went! Hey no sour grapes here right?!?!?! LOL
Wow that was hard - especially right at the beginning when it's comepletely blank!!
I am surprised how well I did - I have a hard time in west out there in the middle. Of course, after so long it is like a jigsaw puzzle.

I had 39 perfect out of the 51. My average error was 0 miles and my score was 76.47

I do have one question - why is Hawaii moved under the southern states? Have they moved Hawaii? Last time I went it was off the west coast of Cali???
i got 80.39 thats better than i thought i wouldve done
I do have one question - why is Hawaii moved under the southern states? Have they moved Hawaii? Last time I went it was off the west coast of Cali???[/QUOTE]

Hurrah! I am glad I am not the only one that tried to put it out into the Pacific! I just didn't see it in the bottom of my screen! They should give us that one! ;) :rofl:
84.31 woo! much better than i thought
My score was 90....but I misplaced that darned Rhode Island everytime.:doh:
Score: 80.39
41 out of 51
I like this game, Sharon!
I do have one question - why is Hawaii moved under the southern states? Have they moved Hawaii? Last time I went it was off the west coast of Cali???

For the same unknown reason why Alaska is now south of Arizona in th Gulf of Mexico