$50 Worth of Teleflora Flowers for $25 or Free


Staff member
Dec 21, 2001
Reaction score
LivingSocial.com is offering $50 worth of flowers for $25.

1. Please click here and buy from one of our member's link

2. After you buy it, post your referral link so you can possibly get the deal for free too

3. Don't wait for the 3 emails showing the 3 referrals. Go to LivingSocial.com to see if you got the deal for free since that's up-to-date
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Thread rules: One referral link may be posted, please remove your thread once you get your referrals. Extra posts with your link will be deleted including your original post.

Note to all new users: Your posts are moderated by default, so they did post, but will NOT show up in the thread until approved. It maybe a few mins it may be an hour depending on our moderator load at the time.
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Or use mine! This deal can be used for Valentine's Day.
Thanks! Goal reached!
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Thank you, the goal intended was reached.
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I used kwaz4 By the way! :D Thanks guys! Happy Valentines Day!
Thanks "ratsmyfriend"!!!! Using my link is much appreciated!!!! Happy Valentines Day to you!

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Great job! MINE IS FREE! Use others links please!! Don't use mine!!! <3
If you received 2 emails and waiting for a last one, just check the livingsocial site. They seem to not send out the 3rd email.