56 Exotic Cars Burned - Very Sad

WHY!!!!!! WHY!!!!!! I love exotic cars, even tho I can't afford any.. They're just so... So..... Special.... I'm a car guy and this breaks me heart... Just like earlier this year when some dip**** didn't know how to haul a car trailer and got stuck on railroad tracks.. Truckload of classic and rare Porches gone.... <sigh> time for sleep, will cry in my dreams..
That really sucks :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

sucks but most of those cars are pretty new. i remember being crushed when the lamborghini countach 4 door was wrecked during transport, that thing was awesome.
An acquaintance of mine lives right down the street from this place and went down there with his camera during the fire. He took several shots before police made him stop and sent him away. Here's a link to his pictures:

Those just make it worse.. Notice the old yellow camero and the jeep amonst other cheaper cars that made it out just fine, then to see all the really nice stuff go up in smoke.. <cries horribly>
CozKramer said:
Those just make it worse.. Notice the old yellow camero and the jeep amonst other cheaper cars that made it out just fine, then to see all the really nice stuff go up in smoke.. <cries horribly>

I don't think the one is a yellow camaro, I am not sure what it is though. :hmm: