8 Vtech VT1122 Trim Phone for Free + Make $20.42 Shipped After Rebate


Staff member
Dec 21, 2001
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8 Vtech VT1122 Trim Phone for Free + Make $20.42 Shipped After Rebate

Staples has a new coupon good until 08/29. Use it on their free after rebate good to make money!

1. Click here to go to Staples.
2. Search and Add 510994 ( Price : $16.99 )
3. Add 8 of these units to your cart
4. Coupon Price : -$20 off $100 | Code : 24922
5. Check out and get order #.
6. Call 1-800-3STAPLE and press 2
7. Tell the customer support that you didn't get the $3 price break on the phones. They will deduct $3 on each phone ( Discount : -$24 )
8. Rebate Price : -$14.00 x 8
Final Price : Free + Make $20.42
Seems like a nice deal if you have a lot of phone jacks in your house or are moving to a new house and prefer to have corded handsets. Interesting deal, none-the-less.
I definitely don't need 8 phones, but if I'm getting paid, sure. :)
Yeah, to me, having to worry about the rebates etc. isn't worth it for a product like this to me, but it's still a great deal. I just have no time to do the rebates, so I'll pass on this one.
it got 2 stars from epinions.com but onlyone person wrote about it.
hey how many times do you have to register for this deal on http://www.staplesrebates.com to get the rebates, or you can register just once and send in like 8 upc codes with one rebate form and 8 receipts?

Plus how do you end up making 20.42 I calculated it :
$125.92 total price w. $20 off
-26.07 for 3 dollars off each phone
-112.00 12x3
The math on this one was tricky, or I was tired... I tried it 4 times last night and ended up with 4 seperate results.. In the end tho....

8 x $16.99 = $135.92
1 x ($20) = $115.92
8 x ($3) = $24 - $115.92 = $91.92
8 x ($14) = $112

$91.92 - $112 = ($20.08)

Numbers are done in Excel format where ($xx) is Negative/Subtracted values
All this effort to get $20? And this is assuming the phones are worth having to begin with! Also, I end up with a $12.25 gain from doing the numbers, assuming a 6.75% sales tax. When you get that additional $24 back, is the tax also removed? If so, that's still only $13.88 gained.
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Okay.. Lets factor in tax.. Take CA rates since they're the highest (what else is new)..

$91.92 (subtotal to be taxed) + $7.58 Tax = $99.50

$99.50 - $112 in rebates yeilds a total gain of........ $12.50....

Unless the phones are good, or you can make a few bucks selling them, it's not really worth the effort in my viewpoint.. Considering you're filling out 8 rebate forms, and praying they send you 8 checks for $14 each..

Then again, there's ppl out there with large families who could use the phones... Heck, having a corded phone is a requirement in CA and several other states if you ask me. Cuz what happens when the power goes out and your cordless phone is now useless. Much like turning on the TV to see what's going on.. Hope you have a battery powered radio sitting around somewhere...
My question..from the rebate form

"For purchases made at Staples.com: 1). Send the ORIGINAL packing slip that is enclosed with your purchase as your receipt. Photocopied receipts will not be accepted"

So will they accept them all in one envelope?
CozKramer said:
Then again, there's ppl out there with large families who could use the phones... Heck, having a corded phone is a requirement in CA and several other states if you ask me.
How in the world do they enforce that rule? :hmm:

Hope you have a battery powered radio sitting around somewhere...
I call it my car. :D
Jimmy Higgins said:
How in the world do they enforce that rule? :hmm:
It's not really a requirement, but I call it one..

I call it my car. :D
Well, that could be okay for CA ppl, but what if your in a Tornadao state... Will your car save you then? :suspect:
CozKramer said:
It's not really a requirement, but I call it one..
*Phew* I was afraid there was the phone police. A huge squad driving around in a car shaped like a phone, crashing into houses.

Well, that could be okay for CA ppl, but what if your in a Tornadao state... Will your car save you then? :suspect:
Usually the power doesn't go out until after the tornado has struck. So unless my car is hanging in a tree, I should be alright. :D
Fearless, Optimistic, plus a sense of humor... Wow.. A rare bird these days.. :D