A gentle medical service annoucement


Diamond Member
Oct 22, 2006
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Just a friendly medical reminder that October is breast cancer awareness month. Ladies schedule in those mammograms and pap tests. Gentlemen, if you have any history of breast cancer in your family, you need to be doing monthly breast checks as well. Give kind reminders to your Moms, sisters, gal pals etc. EVERY woman is entitled to a yearly mammogram with most insurance companies if you are over the age of forty, younger if you have family history, or if you yourself have had any form of breast disease.

For our Spoofee gentlemen, if you are over fifty, remember to visit the doctor's office for yearly checks for prostate cancer. Easy enough with the blood test and physical exam, the old bend over and cough ritual.

For our over fifty bunch (yeah, I head the list on that deal!) remember, rectal/colon cancer is on the rise. Head on in for your colonoscopy for the same. And yes, they can "knock you out" for the procedure. If things are clear, no cancer, you can then go in every five years there after.

This public service announcement has been brought to you by a fellow Spoofeer who cares! :hug::wave: Wishing all of you and, your families, good health.
:ignore: .

No, to much information would be "We are sorry to inform you sir/madam that you have NOW tested positive for cancer." :( Cancer...one topic that I will chew up and tear into, especially pediatric cancers.:mmph: As they say, an ounce of prevention....Never fear, you won't hear me when I "snap on a glove" and smile in your general direction!
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Thanks Rags! I'm going on Halloween!
It hasn't been proven that bras cause breast cancer but it has not been completely dis-proven either.
Morrie...they have an opening over here at NIH for lab assistant to help fit bras! Want me to put your name in for consideration?!?! LOL;)

Bras, if not fitted properly, can cause vasoconstriction, and tissue damage. Thus the premise.
From what I heard, some of those procedures aren't too gentle (or pleasant).

Thanks for the PSA, Rags!
From what I heard, some of those procedures aren't too gentle (or pleasant).

Thanks for the PSA, Rags!

You are welcome BD! Actually, the entire procedure takes about ten minutes, with eight of those minutes spent with the Tech positioning the tissue, and, taking the films. About two or three minutes is the actual "firm squeeze" which for many ladies is uncomfortable. The newer digital machines are a bit more gentle, but, "the jury" is still on those at the moment. I always tell the gals that post mammogram is a wonderful time for a hot shower, some comfort foods, soft music, a glass of wine (or some whinning!) and snuggle time :)