:claps: Hi, I'm a new freebie junkie! I am a 34 year old mom of 4 boys, 2 dogs & 3 kitties. I'm also married and I work 3 jobs. I am a personal assistant and I'm also self employed. I have a full-time job 8-5 everday, plus I have a job that I work in the evenings and another job I do on the weekends and some weekdays. When do I have time to surf the internet freebies you ask? While at my 1st job, I'm able to keep my laptop on my desk and surf the internet in my "unbusy" times. I will share my pic later, I don't have any recent ones since my other laptop just died and I had to buy another 2 weeks ago. Thanks for all the useful information on how to get free stuff...I LOVE IT!:like: