A Rant on the "New" Lane Bryant


Gold Member
May 31, 2007
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Let me also say that I WAS a regular Lane Bryant shopper. As a TALL woman (5'10) PLUS SIZED woman (size 18/20), it's hard to find good clothes. Something I am sure many of you can relate to. For about 3 years, Lane Bryant had that trouble solved for me.

With that being said, everyone at the "old" LB new me by name, spoke to me, and even went as far as to "HOLD" things for me that they thought I would like. One day, I went to the mall to buy an outfit for a wedding and lo! the doors were locked and the windows were covered with paper. A little sign read "New store coming in September." No warning, no notice! Gone like a fart in a tornado.

Now that the store has reopened, I am so disappointed in the direction that they have gone. They have dedicated HALF of the floor space to fancy, luxury bras and panties and the other half to overpriced, freakish looking clothes... Listen: I don't wear sexy stuff everyday! It is not practical! I am someone's MOTHER! I don't need to be "runway ready" if my clothes miraculously fall off! Give me my basic white cotton bra and hipster panties. 5 for $25! I'm 24 years old; I work my tail off everyday at work and torture myself at school almost every night. Then I go home and cook and clean house. I am a real woman! I love simple, non-complicated underwear... I want a cotton sleep shirt that I can spill chocolate milk on, not a Asian Silk Night frock with matching robe, earrings, and headband...

The other half of the store they have CRAMMED full of expensive clothes. And when I say "crammed" I mean thrown together like a garage sale. Work clothes next to dress clothes next to a track suit next to something to wear to a football game. I want to walk in the store for a sundress and know where to go. It's like "Where's Waldo?" in there....

Also, none of the old employees work there anymore. !POOF! Gone...I wonder if they gave them as much notice as they did their customers.

I have wrote to the company thru their website and sent a email to their CEO. I suggested that they go back to the old store, hire the old folks back, and apologize. And if they want to have more luxury items, open up a "boutique" style store for that. Some people may like luxury clothing items. But, for working women, parents, and hard-to-fits like me, LB was a STAPLE to me. Sadly, I'm going to have to take my money elsewhere...

Anyone have this experience? If so, where????? :verysad: :verysad: :verysad:
Yeah, but thankfully they brought back the old coke as Coca Cola Classic.

This happens to me at restaurants more often than in retail.

Good luck. What about their website? Since you have so much of their stuff, you already know what size you will need to get so theres a very small chance that you would need to return something.
my MIL shops at macy woman and has good luck with their clearance racks for decent prices on nice clothes. as far as bras and panties go, hanes online ought to do the trick... i think it's onehanesplace.com

i'm sorry to hear about your situation. our society is so bent on being "high class" we often forget what's important, like comfort and practicality. good luck!
Clothing makers these days tend to forget about comfort.
I am happiest in a hoodie and a comfy pair of jeans!