Acoustic Research AR-H450 Professional Studio Headphones for $11.99 Shipped

Use the Google Checkout and get $10!!! (have to create new gmail account to apply for discount)

Comes out to $2.86 for CA residents.
Reviews are not very good for these, but if you need one $1.99 w/ Google checkout isn't bad.
I just got mine for $1.99!!

Can't be worth less than that... especially shipped! :hippie:

Thanks a lot for the link. I'm getting my dad an mp3 player for his birthday, but I have no idea what kind of headphones he wants. I ended up deciding to get him 4 different kinds so he can try them all out. Being able to get him some studio style headphones for $1.99 shipped is awesome! Your link came at the perfect time.
Currently Unavailable: This item is currently unavailable from the Manufacturer.