Airnet Wireless 802.11b/g USB Adapter for $5.28 Shipped After Rebate

Staff member
Dec 21, 2001
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im a long time spoofee watcher and i registered just to tell everyone to stay away from this product. newegg is great, but they should not be selling this. i got it for $10 after rebate in may, 2006. i sent in for the rebate. in the meantime, this thing loses connection anywhere between 30 minutes to two hours and since the drivers arent digitally signed they are quite buggy, and you have to restart your entire system to get windows xp to recognize it again.

oh, and the rebate from airnet took six months and about four harrasing emails. if you still want to try after reading this, make a photocopy of your rebate and scan it into your computer. youll need to email it once a week for a month to airnet for them to acknowledge you are entitled to your rebate.
not to nitpick, but the reason for buggy drivers has nothing to do with not being digitaly signed, its just an inferior product with not enough time put into the driver creation. if your looking for this just to be a supplement to somthing you already have or a backup its a good deal, but i would not recomend it for a long term solution.