Alterna Haircare ~ Free sample from Town&Country ~ New Link

I hope this one comes. The others didn't.

Thanks C.O.!
I hope this one comes. The others didn't.

Thank you!!! Always looking for new hair care products!!!:claps:
Hey, Guys! This is exactly the same form/questions all over again! All three links seem to go to the same page.
Yes, it is familiar. I remember the Hemp question. Why would you put it in your hair??? What a waste!!!:eek:
thanks for the post :teeth:
Ok everytime I fill out this form it looks like I fill most of it out with invisible ink. I can't see what I've written to know if I've made any mistakes...does this happen to anyone else. It always accepts the form so am assuming they can see what I've put but have never received anything that I'm aware of from them and pretty sure the hair items I have gotten I know where they were from. :sus:
Yes, it is familiar. I remember the Hemp question. Why would you put it in your hair??? What a waste!!!:eek:

I've been using their straightening balm (with hemp) for two years now and it is the best stuff I've used to help my wavy hair. I wish I could figure out what hemp has to do with it! It even has a cute little "special" leaf on the front of the tube! LOL LOL