- 2008 Blu-Ray Grand Giveaway

So they discount HD -DVD players last Christmas and now there giving away blu ray. Somethings afoot here

make up your mind Amazon
I think it is you that must make your mind soon: HD-DVD is gone the way of the betamax.
I think it is you that must make your mind soon: HD-DVD is gone the way of the betamax.

Like betamax, Blu-ray is the superior quality and much higher priced. So by your reasoning, it's HD-DVD that will win as VHS did before it.
Like betamax, Blu-ray is the superior quality and much higher priced. So by your reasoning, it's HD-DVD that will win as VHS did before it.
Blu-Ray has the backing of more studios, and is outselling HD-DVD nearly two to one:

Blu-Ray is outselling HD-DVD on an even greater scale worldwide.

I don't think rocketman's reasoning was to imply the situation is the same, simply that in this case, there are two formats, and one is already the clear cut leader. Therefore, the format that is losing at this point, will go the way of betamax.