AMC Silver Movie Ticket for $5

Staff member
Dec 21, 2001
Reaction score
Saveology is offering an AMC Silver movie ticket for $5 for new Saveology customers

You save a few bucks.

- Link to Offer : $5

- Limit 2 / Person
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If you want to see a movie on opening and they require a gold ticket, you can just pay the difference too.
Can these be used for movies that do not allow passes?
AMC theaters should let you in with either gold experience or silver experience ticket. I'm not aware of any movies that do not allow passes. Is this AMC?
When I view movie times on AMC's website, there are some movies that note 'no passes'. I'm not sure what is meant by passes. Are gold/silver experience tickets considered passes?
Oddly, some movies that have been out for 2 weeks say 'no passes'. Also, I noticed that when I select viewing times for the current day, there are no movies with 'no passes', but when I select viewing times for a future date (e.g., tomorrow), there are several movies with 'no passes'. This issue seems to only apply for certain theaters as it changes when I select different theaters. I guess each one has its own policy?