Any Printer Deals for Windows 95 compatibility?


Gold Member
Jun 10, 2003
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Any Printer Deals for Windows 95 compatibility?


windows 95 is very reliable and doesnt crash
Oh, you can't beat Windows 95. DOWNGRADE DOWNGRADE!

Many printers have Windows 95 compatibility I would assume, don't know why you would want it. :rolleyes:

I have been running windows 95 for many years without a crash and there are many drivers out there for it.. Windows XP has many bugs.
I didn't say or imply that you install XP. You have a choice:

Win 98
Win 98 SE
ME - BAD choice
Windows 2000
Windows 2000 Prof

I always found 98 to be stable especially SE. 2000 is quite reliable too which is what I'm running now. I even run it on my 233MHz laptop.
I was asking because the present Printer HotDeal does not have W95 capability, and it's not worth changing everything for a printer . . . ..

W95 - if it ain't broke -don't fix it.
But Windows 95 IS broke. I don't know, maybe if you ran Windows 2000 or XP you would know how good it is.

Never mind, it's all personal preference. It probably is worth it to change your OS for a printer.
I agree especially since you can't take advantage of USB Ultra DMA, IEEE, NTSF and the like unless you get 2000. Now the printers will not support it. Time to move or get left behind. Like you said, each person to their own.

Have you tried looking into buying a used/refurbished printer? Something from that era. Like it was said earlier, finding a new one that does not use USB or has drivers for 95 is going to get harder and harder as you probably realize. I think your best bet is trying to purchase an older model that is used/refurb.

Best of Luck!
I would agree, take a look at eBay. You can probably find an older Epson 500 or 600 model which will work fine for you.
Printer for Win 95

Thanks for all the posts . . . . .