The 30GB model? You're best off finding someone with a college student ID or a teacher and taking them to the Apple store. You get $30 off, so it's $269 for a 30GB model.
Or, PC Connection has them for $274 shipped after a rebate. This is about as cheap as they come.
Get the Apple Store card they give out during their After-Thanksgiving Sale and take it to Best Buy. Then, BB will match it +10%, so from $299, it becomes $241.10. Best Buy also has a cheaper, better warrenty plan (HIGHLY recommended). OR, you can price match the Nano and get it for either $160.20 or $206.10 PLUS a $25 iTunes gift card!!!!
I just picked up a Refurbished iPod w/ color display (30GB) at the Apple store for $249.00. Here's a listing of their refurbished products ... looks like the 30GB is gone but a 20GB is available for $219.00 and free shipping. Original price: $299.00,69 Save more by going through Mypoints, Ebates, or Citi Dividend Merchant Network. Look for Apple store.