Army of Women, Get Moving! Take Action!‏(Los Angeles) *or sign up for future studies*


Silver Member
Jun 5, 2008
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Army of Women, Get Moving! Take Action!‏(Los Angeles) *or sign up for future studies*

Los Angeles Women, We Need You!

Dear Army of Women volunteer,
With a new year comes yet another opportunity to take a step closer to eradicating breast cancer. Please take a moment to read about this University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) study looking at the effects of diet and exercise programs on healthy, post-menopausal women.

If you are a post-menopausal woman who is overweight and living in the Los Angeles area, this could be your chance to step up!

If this study isn't the right fit for you, pass it on...and don't worry more studies are coming your way!

Wishing you a Happy and Healthy 2009!
What's the study about?
Women who gain weight as an adult or who are obese are at increased risk for developing breast cancer after menopause. Researchers at the UCLA Center for Human Nutrition want to know if certain diet and exercise programs might decrease a woman’s risk of developing breast cancer. The information gained from this study will allow us to conduct a larger study among breast cancer survivors.
What's involved?
During the 14-week study, you will go to the UCLA campus, three times a week for aerobic exercise and weight training with an instructor. You will also receive healthy meals prepared by the UCLA Center for Human Nutrition. Other study visits will include lung function tests, blood draws, breast fluid tests, exercise tests, and body measurements.
Who can participate?
Women who live in Los Angeles and are able to go to UCLA to participate

Postmenopausal women

Women who are 75 years old or younger

Women who are least 30 pounds overweight

Women who exercise less than 1 hour per week

Women who eat less than 3 servings of fruits or vegetables per week
Who is conducting the study?
Catherine Carpenter, PhD, MPH and Zhaoping Li, MD at the University of California, Los Angeles
University of California, Los Angeles