Back to Main Page


Iron Member
Jun 20, 2003
Reaction score
I think the "Back to Main Page" link at the top of the forum should link back to the main page of the forum itself rather than We already have a tab button for "Home" at the top of the page and some people might overlook the "Spoofee Discussion Forum Forum Index" link above the current topic.

That's just my two cents on the matter....nothing serious, though!
Good point. I've noticed that too, but it was never anything that I took seriously. If you click the "Spoofee Discussion Forum Forum Index" link under the back to main page button, it'll take you to the forum home page. There are a lot of links, but I just learn to live around it.

Maybe Spoofee will take this into consideration and think of a way to make it more efficient. Thanks for finally bringing this topic up!
is it just me or does the link seem it doesn't work? it just link it back to th current page...seem like it's a refresh^_^
That's weird. Which browser do you use?
Interesting. I just switched back to IE6 from Mozilla. I don't know what to tell you. If it works for me, sorry it doesn't work out for you!

That's just really weird though, never heard of something like that.