Belkin Nostromo n52 SpeedPad Gamepad for $4.99 Shipped After Rebate

Hey thanks for the heads up. I just ordered it but my Wife says I can't have it untill Christmas... :/
Great deal, but this isn't a very good gaming component.
1) It does not make optimal use of the pinky finger (there are no buttons to the left)
2) The thumb is overloaded with buttons, half of which are difficult to reach or press (and I have big hands)
3) Wrist rest is not adjustable and not comfortable for my hand
4) Complex setup (though possibly unavoidable)
Although I don't own one and probably never will, I have heard many a gamer tell me that once they got used to the Nostromo they could never go back. Actually, when I used to play a lot of games back in the day, more than half my friends used the Nostromo and wouldn't play and games if they couldn't use it.

All that said, I won't be buying it because of a lack of gaming time. I do think it could be a helpful tool, though.

Just another (wordy) opinion to consider.
shoot, dude. for $5 I'll buy one. if I don't like it, I'll regift it next year in the department's secret santa thing.
Ohhh, huh a regifter in our midst. Must be a Jerry Schteinfeld fan, eh? (I live too close to Canada.)