Berndes 9 Piece SignoCast Cast Cookware Set for $189.99 Shipped

Staff member
Dec 21, 2001
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Berndes 9 Piece SignoCast Cast Cookware Set for $189.99 Shipped has the Berndes 9 Piece SignoCast Cast Aluminum Cookware Set for a good price.

Item has a rating of 5/5 from 3 reviews

1. Amazon Price : $189.99 Shipped
This has a "list price" of $1200.... SERIOUSLY ??? There is no way I would pay that for cookware unless it comes with a chef!!! I am not sure sure I would even pay $189.99. Is it really worth that much??? It sure looks like a nice set... have any of you used this? If so, is it worth it? THanks :)
This has a "list price" of $1200.... SERIOUSLY ??? There is no way I would pay that for cookware unless it comes with a chef!!! I am not sure sure I would even pay $189.99. Is it really worth that much??? It sure looks like a nice set... have any of you used this? If so, is it worth it? THanks :)

I'm not sure if this exactly the same as what I have, but it looks like it. I have Berndes nonstick cookware, and it's the best thing EVER! Nothing sticks to it. Things rarely burn, and when they do, they wipe out easily with a paper towel. My first Berndes frying pan was given to me about 15 or so years ago; it cost $75 then. Everything else I have, I got from TJMaxx at a discount (huge bargain closeout) for about $25 each piece (including lids). These pans are the only things I use anymore.
It doesn't say...

It doesn't mention what sort of material they use for the non-stick surface, but if it's anything close to Teflon I wouldn't touch it with a 10 foot pole. There is more debate about the toxicity of that crap than I care to keep up with and, frankly, it's not worth the risk to my family to save an extra 5 minutes of cleanup in exchange for hormone-mimicking toxins in the food.

If anyone knows anything about the surface of these and if it differs from traditional non-stick cookware, please share!
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