Bill Clinton nodding off during MLK service


RIP Sox 2004 - 2012
Jul 7, 2006
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He seems to be sitting right next to the speaker too, but thank God,---no drool.

At least he managed to stay awake while IN office, unlike Reagan.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who found this amusing.
I especially enjoy around 47 sec into it he wakes up and shakes his head as if he is listening.
Oh, the entire readership of the NY Post usually finds this sort of thing amusing.
I don't usually read the NY Post but this is quite amusing. Obviously Hillary has been keeping Bill up past his bedtime lately with all this campaigning.
He's probably not in the best of health with the heart surgery and yes, the campaigning is probably stressful after a certain age. I feel sad to see him looknig so worn out though---he always seemed so full of life.
Man, that sucks. Especially when he's sitting right next to the speaker. At least he can try to stay attentive. Take caffeine.
I have never been a fan of his, but I can truly empathize, when I am in church, let's just say my pastor is not one that puts you to sleep although with the health issues I am dealing with, when my body decides it's time to sleep, I sleep. I don't drive if I am tired, I have fallen asleep at the wheel before, luckily I was alone in the car and once the car hit gravel I woke up, but I really feel for the guy, the speaker being loud probably exasterbated the situation, at points hearing someone being loud with any type of sing song or rythm to what they are saying will put me to sleep too. Although being a mommy to four kids, I could sleep through a 4 tornadoes, 3 earthquakes, 2 hurricanes and a train wreck in a pear tree, heh heh
I especially enjoy around 47 sec into it he wakes up and shakes his head as if he is listening.

I know LOL LOL LOL the BEST part

As for any empathy...
I empathize with his situation (I've had my share of dozes during lectures), but not Clinton himself.
The whole bunch of them, they're all shady...