Call China for Free

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that isnt necesarily still have to call long distance
Well if you're from those states or have free calling on your cell AND if you know someone from China it is a good deal:confused:
I work with a grad student from China, he's sure going to like this, Thanks.
SyLeNt said:
that isnt necesarily still have to call long distance
Well hey, calling another state is going to be a lot cheaper than calling another country.
If you have a cell phone with free charge for calling to another states, that is FREE :)
Wow! Free calls to China! Wish I knew someone there. Maybe I should pick a # out of a Chinese phonebook and introduce myself. ;)
huh.. i just tried and i got the gateway and I dialed my number but it didnt' work. I either got a quick busy signal or silence for 5 minutes.

Anybody else tried this?