Camera insurance/warranty


Bronze Member
Mar 17, 2003
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Hey guys,

a friend of mine is planin on buyin a digital camera from an onLine store..she isnt too worried since its from

Although she does want to have some sort of best buy has when you pucchase something from them..

Are there any sites,stores,business that insure or sell waranty?

Please dont offer home owner's insurance :P

thanks !
hey Admin, thanks for replyin.

I am aware of the refund/exhange policies.

But i am just lookin for insurance from a seperate entity.

I mean theres insurance on everytyhin here in the cars to homes.. im not familair with these places...

any ideas?

thanks !
I'm partime at a store that sells cameras... and from what I know, I've seen this topic but thinking about it for sometime, I dont think you can find any store that will just sell you a merchandise agreement... Companies that sell these are in it to make a profit on the camers, most of the profit is from the replacement agreements because that's like GIVING money to the store... BUT I dont think any store will honor JUST an agreement because they dont know the condition it was sold, stuff like that. How long...

The agreements have time periods... and that's a concern. I dont think you can find any place that will just sell you one... you can try, but I doubt it... what you CAN do is call that company that made the camera and ask them about it. But you have 30 NEWEGG policy and supposidly your Manufacture warrenty, usually 1 year... parts and labor.
Digital Camera Warranty

Check this site out. It is for Mack Warranties. I purchased a four year warranty on a Nikon Coolpix 5700 digital camera. Actually it was part of a package deal throught the retailer.
Although this will seem a strange place to look, go over to the Maytag site and check out extended warranty policies. They insure just about anything made by anybody. I did see digital equipment listed but didn't check it out. I bought an item from Sears, waited until it was 18months old, then bought an extended warranty via Maytag with substantial savings.
The best warranty that I know if is at Ritz/Wolf Camera stores. You can purchase a 'no questions asked' warranty for all of their cameras. Camera stop working? Bring it in and get it fixed for free. Camera get run over by a dump truck? Put the pieces in a bag and they'll give you a brand new camera. It's renewable up to five years. I purchased the warranty with my Nikon N80 and lenses.

Now here's a quick camera buying tip. If an Internet (or magazine) deal is too good to be true, it probably is. If your friend lives, say, in the United States, make sure he/she makes sure that the camera is indeed warranted by the manufacturer in the United States. Often it is cheaper to import cameras, hence the dramatically lower price. If your camera breaks, do you want to send it to, say, Nikon USA or Nikon Laos if you live in the US? So make sure your friend gets a camera with a manufacturer's warranty that is in your nation of origin.