Caring for Your Baby and Young Child *FL, GA, SC, AL, TN only
Caring for Your Baby and Young Child
A FREE gift for first-time parents: The authoritative guide to child care. If you're a first-time parent,
you'll receive the American Academy of Pediatrics' complete guide to raising a child, "Caring for Your
Baby and Young Child"—a $20 value. It's full of invaluable medical and child-rearing advice from birth
to age five. You'll turn to it time and time again. Sign up today »
Caring for Your Baby and Young Child
A FREE gift for first-time parents: The authoritative guide to child care. If you're a first-time parent,
you'll receive the American Academy of Pediatrics' complete guide to raising a child, "Caring for Your
Baby and Young Child"—a $20 value. It's full of invaluable medical and child-rearing advice from birth
to age five. You'll turn to it time and time again. Sign up today »