Cel laptop


Not clubbys hoe
Mar 9, 2004
Reaction score
Anyone know any good deals on a cel 2.3 wih about a 40 gb drive laptop. Or any deal at about 750 to 700 . I plan to work my ass off this summer to buy one so the lower the price the less work i have to do ...Dehawk
dehawk666 said:
Anyone know any good deals on a cel 2.3 wih about a 40 gb drive laptop. Or any deal at about 750 to 700 . I plan to work my ass off this summer to buy one so the lower the price the less work i have to do ...Dehawk

What is a cel 2.3?

cleron 2.3Ghz laptop , or any laptop at that ,the dell coupons are a good idea just wanted to know if you guys knew anything else..Rahul
dehawk666 said:
cleron 2.3Ghz laptop , or any laptop at that ,the dell coupons are a good idea just wanted to know if you guys knew anything else..Rahul

I found this on Dell's site. It's a Inspiron 1100 starting @ $699.00. This laptop right now has some free upgrades including a Free Combo CDRW/DVD drive and Turbo Tax Basic Software.


I ran this machine and with shipping and tax minus coupons you it's around $800 w/o having to send in rebates. I think that is about the cheapest you are going to find a new laptop. I looked @ a compaq laptop, but it is $799 minus a $100 rebate.

Thanks Kage, keep your eye out for anything else