Columbia University 8.00 for survey **INVITE ONLY**


Bronze Member
Mar 26, 2006
Reaction score
got this in my email...not for sure if it will work, but you get 8.00 in your paypal account.

Dear Survey Participants,

Columbia University's Center for the Decision Sciences is inviting you to participate in a survey on decision-making. The survey takes about 30 minutes to complete and by doing so you will earn $8. This study is being conducted under of the direction of Professor Elke Weber and Professor Eric Johnson.

Please note that you must be 18 years of age or older in order to participate in this survey. If you are not 18 years of age or older, you may not take part in this research.

If you would like to participate, please proceed to the following link:

If, after reading the consent form, you agree to participate, we will ask you to enter the email address at which you received this email so that a payment to your PayPal account can be made.

If you have any problems as you participate in this research, you can contact Kaiya Liu at [email protected].

This research is carried out under Columbia IRB Protocol Number IRB-AAAB1475
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Aww ... I get page cannot be displayed. Thanks anyway.

I was able to go to thier home page and sign up for future studies. was what I typed in the browser to get there. There is a light grey menu on the left side of the page. It's the seventh down, Sign up for online research. Hope that helps.
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How can I find out if they are legit? Some Spoofee folks know how to tell if a site is a SPAM generator or not. I have not yet acquired this skill so please help me. They ask for my PayPal email addy so I really need to know if this is real.

Thanks Stubble and mjhwep!
Not sure, but they look legit to me. I say that because they have a .edu domain.
Tigrrrloo, I am guessing this is legitimate simply because of the EDU domain name (as sweetmarie pointed out). You have to be a legitimate educational facility to even apply for the domain. You can safely put your PayPal addy in there.
Thank you for your interest.
We will contact you when the study has begun.
spazntwitch said:
Tigrrrloo, I am guessing this is legitimate simply because of the EDU domain name (as sweetmarie pointed out). You have to be a legitimate educational facility to even apply for the domain. You can safely put your PayPal addy in there.

Don't college STUDENTS also get edu addies? Or is that only for email?

And thank you guys for replying. I appreciate the help. Matter of fact, I appreciate just about everyone I have encountered on Spoofee. My only regret is that I did not find Spoofee sooner.
Tigrrrloo said:
Don't college STUDENTS also get edu addies? Or is that only for email?

And thank you guys for replying. I appreciate the help. Matter of fact, I appreciate just about everyone I have encountered on Spoofee. My only regret is that I did not find Spoofee sooner.
College students may get an e-mail address that is tied to the EDU domain. Students do not, however, own the EDU domain; that right belongs to the school or other educational facility. The school has the power to grant or revoke any student e-mail addy since the school is the owner of the domain.

We're glad to help out and glad you are here Tigrrrloo.
Thanks so much. Being a stay at home grammy, I like all the help I can get!!