I'd advice against computer fixit forums.. You may as well head to a Linux forum for help for all the truthfull good it'll do... Not saying anything against you Pinky, but anyone who truely knows their shiznats, they don't lower themselves to that level.. I don't mind dispensing help here and there but don't expect to see me or others like me on forums like that... Credentials? 16+yrs hardware/software, 14+yrs internet technologies, lifetime deal hunter.. =)
Dehawk, card deals for 100$.. Try the BF ads.. I haven't looked yet but there's always deals if you don't mind waking up with the chickens.. heh-heh.. You won't get the best cards out there, but remember, only rich kids and not so smart ppl blow 4-600 on the bleeding edge.. no offense to any of you out there. Remember, alot of whats out there if just fine for most stuff, so figure out what kinda games and stuff you like and work from there to make your choice.