Comp building help


Not clubbys hoe
Mar 9, 2004
Reaction score
Ok budget 200

I have a hard drive , monitor , cd writer and dvd rom modem and tv in

i would love a decent gaming machine in 200 , yeah i know that streaching it but well.
So any advice on the parts
well if that is all you have.. unless you rob someone.. you might be in trouble.

you need a
CPU (processor)
GPU (Video Card)
PSU (Power Supply)
a Case
and RAM (memory)

that's assuming you don't have any of these things...
You have to be a lot more specific. Tell us what you have, what you don't have, what you need, etc.
exactly. When you say you have a hard drive, and a dvd-rom + CD-RW

i don't know if you mean JUST THOSE SINGLE components or those things (that you know of) in a ugly beige tower (case). IF that is the case, and the computer works then you do have a CPU, mobo, GPU, PSU, and RAM.

Please be more specific
Okay.. CPU/Mobo can be had at Fry's for about 50$, Memory will set you back another 50.. Cases can be had for 20 if you don't give a rats about it, they come with a PS, so your left with the rest to blow on a vid card.. all what, 80 bucks...

But I'm with everyone else here, ya should be more specific...
might as well go with an emachine or dell, seems like for 200 bucks you wont be getting anything better than those for about the same price
the problem arises when $50 cpu/mobo + $50 RAM + $80 gpu.. isn't exactly my idea of a "gaming machine" but to each his own =/
A $200 or less gaming PC, good luck. Memory and a decent gaming video card will set you back $200 or more, then you still need to buy an operating system.

Maybe you should just get a PS2, XBox or something similar. ;)
The main thing for a gaming box is the GPU.. You could easily skimp on the cpu/mobo combo for whaever fry's special is, and chuck more dough into the vid card.. Frys also has deals of 1GB dual chan mem for around 50-70 bucks.. I'd say 300$ is a better budget, but in the end, its all how wild you get with the vid card..

I also have to agree with Choo here.. For 2 bills, straight games, your better off with a console that you mod out..
I recommend you stop by a computer forum to get advice. Im a member of Pimprig forums and PCPerspective forums. they can give you loads of advice. Im not much of a gamer so im not sure what you need to build a gaming pc. But i DO know that 200 bux aint gonna do it.

Ok well i would need a motherboard processor combo from frys i guess , Ram 512 or 1 gig , i can mod a case thats not in the budget so that leaves 100 for a card , any card deals out there
I'd advice against computer fixit forums.. You may as well head to a Linux forum for help for all the truthfull good it'll do... Not saying anything against you Pinky, but anyone who truely knows their shiznats, they don't lower themselves to that level.. I don't mind dispensing help here and there but don't expect to see me or others like me on forums like that... Credentials? 16+yrs hardware/software, 14+yrs internet technologies, lifetime deal hunter.. =)

Dehawk, card deals for 100$.. Try the BF ads.. I haven't looked yet but there's always deals if you don't mind waking up with the chickens.. heh-heh.. You won't get the best cards out there, but remember, only rich kids and not so smart ppl blow 4-600 on the bleeding edge.. no offense to any of you out there. Remember, alot of whats out there if just fine for most stuff, so figure out what kinda games and stuff you like and work from there to make your choice.
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Edit: The Fry's ad has something for ya tomorrow.. a GeForce FX5500 O.C. 128MB 8x for $30AR.. They also have 512meg Kingston PC2700 for $40AR limit 1 tho, so bring a friend.