CompUSA - Garmin StreetPilot C330 GPS for $299.99 After Rebate

Staff member
Dec 21, 2001
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I have this. I got it for $313 shipped with no rebate from an online store. I love it.

My mistake. I got the 320. So this is a good deal. Just so you know, the difference is that the 330 has a harddrive with the maps preloaded for the whole country and the 320 comes with a SD card for you to load your maps on. I dont need to have the whole country at my fingertips so I opted for the lesser expensive of the two.
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I have the C320 and love it. Garmin is the best!!
i am in the market for a low to mid-end gps...w/c one's really better, garmins, tomtoms or magellans? thanks for the info.
Youll be hard pressed to beat garmin on the price/features ratio. IMO. This really is a great unit.

Whichever you choose, just be sure to update your firmware and mapping softs.
I love my 330 unit

We bought ours over 12 months ago for a great price at that time but I would do it all over again especially for this new price. I just recommend to purchase the 'stand' instead of using the suction unit for the windshield. The suction comes off at times and it looks a little funny (I think). A friend bought the 'stand' that seems non-slip and put is right on his Honda Pilot dashboard.

Upgrade the firmware andn all other software components but don't be surprised if realy old establishments still show up in the list of restaurant, stores, etc. The mapping CD seem to add new locations without removing old ones.

Great unit, great price.