Computer Related Question


Night Donut
Apr 9, 2005
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OK, my dads old-as-dirt computer died the other day, and he wants his data, as far as I know, the HDD's are OK. I have A Maxtor External HDD, if I were to open that up and replace the Maxtor drive with the Drive out of the computer, would it work with the enclosure? PS my dads computer was running Win 98SE at the time it died
This is a question for spazntwitch!
It should work as far as accessing files via Windows Explorer assuming your dad's HD is good.
Yuppers. Just take the hard disk drive (HDD) out of the computer that died and replace the Maxtor with it. Copy what you need to a new computer and burn to CD for backup!
spazntwitch said:
Yuppers. Just take the hard disk drive (HDD) out of the computer that died and replace the Maxtor with it. Copy what you need to a new computer and burn to CD for backup!

or DVD. ;)
ok, next question... why do we "rip" and "burn" cd's? where did these terms come from?
I think "burning" is the process of laser etching the film on your recordable disc media. The disc gets physically pretty hot.

"Rip", I think, was originally used as a term during the process of converting a store bought music cd to MP3 format, back in the napster days, and now the word is used in all sorts of ways. Maybe it had to do with ripping off the music companies.
Thanks Spazentwitch & everyone else, copying files right now, actually the Maxtor drive I took out of my enclosure was the same as the older one in my dads dead computer, so that one was fairly easy, just changed the Jumpers and was ready to go, the next one is a Western Digital, not sure about it yet, but we'll find out soon.
nigdonht said:
OK, my dads old-as-dirt computer died the other day, and he wants his data, as far as I know, the HDD's are OK. I have A Maxtor External HDD, if I were to open that up and replace the Maxtor drive with the Drive out of the computer, would it work with the enclosure? PS my dads computer was running Win 98SE at the time it died

Yup that would work. The drive inside of the External drive is just an IDE drive. Hook er up, plug it in and get the data you want. :)

nigdonht said:
....the next one is a Western Digital, not sure about it yet, but we'll find out soon.

My suggestion for WD drives, get all your data off them and use them for paper weight. Ot take the drive apart and use the discs as shiny coasters. I see WD drives die ALL THE TIME. Where I work everytime we see one we immediately throw it away and put a Seagate in. Just FYI.
WadeTheWise said:
My suggestion for WD drives, get all your data off them and use them for paper weight. Ot take the drive apart and use the discs as shiny coasters. I see WD drives die ALL THE TIME. Where I work everytime we see one we immediately throw it away and put a Seagate in. Just FYI.

Yea, I think that this WD Drive is bad, I havent tried it, but in the last few days of the computer, the Drive was making a funny noise, Its acting as a paperweight now
I agree, the WD drives are loud and fail. Same thing with the Maxtor and Hitachi drives. The Seagate drives are the most quiet and last the longest. They also have a longer waranty too.
longer warranties rule

Yeah, but by the time you need one, they are ten times bigger.