Costco In-stores - TMX Elmo for $34.99

Staff member
Dec 21, 2001
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Costco in-stores have the TMX Elmo for $34.99.

Limit 1 per member per day.

These items are going for around $50 on eBay.

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Just came back from Costco and they had no idea what I was talking about? Is this legit?
Gotta keep Elmo alive, lol.

We just got these in at where I work but they haven't put them on the shelf yet and I have no idea how much we will charge.
does elmo shoot lasers or something?
One of the programs on Fox News showed this thing in action today. While it would obviously get old fast for an adult, it was VERY funny and cute to see, and little kids will love this thing (again). They showed three different laughs. the thing starts off standing, then bends over laughing, drops to his knees, falls on his back and rocks back and forth, rolls on his stomach pounding his fist, then stands back up. It was neat, but I dont have kids yet, so it wont be making noise in my house.
I just showed that video to my 2.5 year old who loves Elmo and he was looking at it like, what the ??????. I said do you want me to turn elmo off? He said, "yes, melmo moff!" lol. I don't feel bad one bit that he doesn't like the supposed hottest toy of the winter! Yay for me. ;)
I know these come in some kind of box that looks like a cage or maybe it's a jailcell???:eek: :eek:
I saw a big sign at a KB Toy Store saying "TMX Elmo" here earlier in the week. I should have went it to see it... the next day I saw it on the news about it. Too cute. Then yesterday, no sign. I guess it was sold out. Mmmm maybe should have bought one for sh!ts and giggles OR just got it for my nephew.
That video is hilarious. It's pretty neat how elmo can move around like that on it's own. We bought that tumbling Tigger, and that thing absolutley sucks. It falls down and gets stuck all the time.
Just Got one

Costco in King of Prussia PA had a few on a cart in the front of the store... $34.99! So I got one for our daughter for Christmas.


I had to bust it out of the box... it's very cute! And it's easy to put back... a breadtie around his neck and one around each foot!

It's even entertaining without opening the box...when you open the flap printed with "Don't Lift", Elmo says "I'm getting ticklish in here!"

kbabe said:
I just showed that video to my 2.5 year old who loves Elmo and he was looking at it like, what the ??????. I said do you want me to turn elmo off? He said, "yes, melmo moff!" lol. I don't feel bad one bit that he doesn't like the supposed hottest toy of the winter! Yay for me. ;)

lol!:D Dude, your son kicks arse!:claps: That's the best news evar, cause elmo sucks and I hate him and I hate everyone!!!!!1!!one.........

*quietly checks local Costco*
what a cute toy!!! im prolly gonna have to steal it from someone cus i cant seem to find it in store;)
at the local walmart, i noticed this huge crowd of people by the back of the store, so i went by to be nosey and asked someone what was going on...turns out they were about to bring out the carts of elmos, lol. So...i got my hands on 3 of em, we opened one so the little one could play with it, but the other 2 i think i may just hold on to and see if they go like the last tickle me elmos!
Looks like it would get old REAL quick. I'd like the minute and 28 seconds of my life back. ;)
amartinz said:
Just came back from Costco and they had no idea what I was talking about? Is this legit?

OK! It is Legit! Just purchased 2 from Costco-:D
I went to Costco and the woman at the counter said that she had no idea what I was talking about and I said to check anyways and it said that they had 7 as of last night. Then I went to look for them but had no luck until I went by the registers and saw the same woman at the counter buying the last one! I was pissed so I went and told on her ass.