Crazy 160 GB Western Digital HD Deal <~~~ LOOK


Aug 24, 2003
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UPDATE: when u buy it front best buy, look on the backside thru the plastic, it will probably read 200.0 gb, so its an even better deal!

ok so for the western digital 160gb hd, theres this crazy deal going on, now, in order to get this, u have to be crafty, and have a best buy and microcenter near you

microcenter has this hd for 209.00 - 30 instant - 70 wd rebate = 109

best buy has 199.99 - 30 BB rebate - 70 wd rebate = 99.99

ok, 2 things, number 1, the wd rebate for microcenter gets sent to a different place, AND you only need to send in the capacity label, the one that says 160 gb's, and u send the UPC to the other wd rebate u got from bb, and for the 30 dollar bb u only need a copy of the UPC

heres the great part, buy it for 199.99 then get it price matched to microcenter's 179.00 so u get a 10% of 20.99 discount as well, send in rebate, total is less than 10 bucks + tax,

2 tricks, first trick, u have to buy the hd from microcenter and return it, but keep a copy of the receipt and get the rebate form, cuz u only need the capacity thing to get the rebate, ( im not sure if thatll work if u returen it, but what the hell)

second, and harder trick maybe, u need a best buy that doesnt have a**holes in the cc desk, and that will pirce match the 179.00 cuz u have the receipt from icrocenter, be sure to buy it before, because if they see 30 instant rebate, they wont match it, but it donly reads 179.00 and makes no mention of instant rebate on the microcenter receipt

Update from HotDealz: The instant savings SHOULD apply to the price matching at Best Buy. You can print the Current Savings page, which is the front page of their current flyer, from their website and price match it to that. It is blurry, but it worked for me.

ahh, all good fun, an dmy first post, im gonna do this with 2 hd, if i get all rebates, schweet if i only get the BB ones, what the hell it still only cost slike 80 bucks = )

comments appreciated

buy hd from microcenter

buy hd from best buy

price match the hd from bb with the mc receipt

cut out capactiy label from bb one and send w/ microcenter sutff 70

original upc to wd rebate via bb style 70

copy of upc to bb for 30

return untouched hd to microcenter

Good Luck! If the Microcenter rebate requests the capacity label, don't you think they will notice it missing and not honor the return. If that is the case people would just go there buy the HD, then take the capacity label off, send in the rebate with the copy of the receipt, return the HD, and collect the $$. I am sure they are well aware of what is needed for the rebate submissions. So I doubt it will work out the way you explained. :?
ur reading it wrong, u buy the microcenter one, just so u can have a receipt and the rebate form, lol

u can use the capacity label from the one u buy at best buy and the ups from th eone at best buy, and the copy of th eups... one box for 3 rebates = )
This is so complicated, i had a headache after reading it. Could you please illustrate it in point form???
er...first thing's UPC not UPS. LOL wat i don't get is...don't u buy it at microcenter and get pricematched to best buy's? y do u buy it from best buy using microcenter's receipt? weird...*lost* SHRUG! lol

I saw a better deal than this on another website... :o
whats the better deal? and forgive me for my spelling error, lol, ill go fix it,

as far as the receipt goes, u use the receipt cuz it shows as 179.00, if u show them the ad, number 1, its not even the same pixture, number 2, it clearly says 209 - 30 instant - 70 mail in, if they see instant rebate, no matter if its instant or mail in, as long as its a rebate, bb doesnt match
oh, i see...since the microcenter one only need the capacity label, u can jsut submitted tat even though it might not be the exact upc i on teh right track here? lol so wat's the ending price? around $30 or $40? SWEET!! lol not gonna try it though...hahaha
Have you done this yet?? I would imagine the receipt for microcenter would show originally as $209 with $30 discount taken off at end. I may be wrong, but I don't know if it will would ring up as $179 in order to price match.

I guess let us know if you get it to work!
theresd is no barcode, its seriously a peice of cardboard that says 160 gb, lol its the peice of cardboar don the bottom right of the package, and no, final price is liek 20 bucks after taxes = )

Though I didn't try this crazy deal, but I wanted to inform that I just got back from BB and what was inside the clear packaging was actually a 200-GB w/8-MB cache. I had checked with the two other "160-GB" packages, and they both had the 200-GB. I had read about it from another site. Now, I'll just have to drop by Microcenter, if not for the extra rebate, but at least a price match, saving another $20.
definatly, and yep, both mine 2 200 gb, such a GOOD deal = P
oh ****...nice..y didn't u say so earlier...u ain't pulling our legs right? let me check it out tomorrow
well i ddint even notice until some guy on spoofee or something posted about it, i went over to my 2 and checked, and im like, holy crap, its 200 gb, lol
I'm trying it but even more risky than this. Since I don't have a Micro Center in my area, I placed the order online. It came out to $200.21. They gave me an online receipt that I printed two copies of which SHOULD be sufficient for the rebate. My next step is to call them and try and cancel the order, which should not take too long, then head over to Best Buy and pick up what is hopefully a 200GB hard drive.

haha, schweet, but wait, how was it so much? shipping and tax? cuz u need the receipt to say 179.00 as the price for the HD so best buy can price match it and save u 23.10 (110% price thing)
HotDealz said:
Since I don't have a Micro Center in my area, I placed the order online.SWEEET!

There are 2 Microcenters in the Chicagoland area, one in Chicago, near Elston & Fullerton, which I'm going to stop by today before work. The other is in Westmont.
Yeah, thats an hour drive. And I already placed and cancelled the order, so I have the receipt and everything. YAY!
well, I have the hard drive. I went to two Best Buys to find it and finally got it. I price matched to the Micro Center in our area, and got it for $197. I have the online receipt that I am going to use for the Micro Center rebate, and I cancelled the order. So everything seems to be going as planned. $27 seems like a good price to pay for a 160gb (not a 200gb, sorry).

Anyone know how on earth you use the Ultra ATA Card? The instructions are so confusing. UG!
Well, I stopped by the Chicago store, and they had none in stock. I called the Westmont store, and ditto. I guess it's time to order online ;).

To use the ATA controller, first download the driver from Promise's website, making sure it's the TX2 version. Install the driver, shut down, then install the card, have your OS recognize it, shut down again, attach the 80-pin cable to the card (blue connector) and other end to hard drive.