D-Link Wireless Media Player /w DVD & 5-in-1 Reader for $74.99 Shipped After Rebate


Staff member
Dec 21, 2001
Reaction score
> Item has a rating of 3/5 from 34 reviews

Sounds about right. I got my DSM320 last December ($50 AMR) and its been a pain. They have no VISTA drivers for it. It interacts strangely with XP too- the media center files get shared, but SO DO shared files from any shared folders you happen to have. I had to turn off sharing to get control over what was going to the center. They would have been better off to just use windows sharing and forgotten the whole media center which doesn't work well anyhow.

Its very restrictive on Video formats. Also it seems to have JPG resolution limits- I noticed that hi-res images dont appear in the media center list.

This is not a bad price if you have XP , small files, and a lot of patience. The card-reader part might be sort of useful since you could go from CARD to a SLIDESHOW in seconds. Just be aware this thing is a little long in the tooth!
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the last two rebates from dlink have been rejected, I wouldn't trust them.