--DEAD-- iRobot Roomba 4100 Intelligent Floorvac Robotic Vacuum for $100.99 Shipped


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Dec 21, 2001
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--DEAD-- iRobot Roomba 4100 Intelligent Floorvac Robotic Vacuum for $100.99 Shipped

Amazon has the iRobot Roomba 4100 Intelligent Floorvac Robotic Vacuum for $100.99 shipped free. This will continuously clean for 2 hours by itself.

Pricegrabber Price : $140~169 Shipped

1. Amazon Price : $125.99
2. Coupon Price : -$25 | Code : DECEMBERKHBB
Final Price : $100.99
Coupon Not Working


Can't get the coupon to work? Got another code?

Zan :banghead:
Hi!! I decided to buy one of these lil roombas today. I heard there great. Plus im on crutches right now and no one in my house likes to vacum. Anyone own these or this model? Have any tips? I used the coupon DECEMBERKHBB and it worked for me plus free shipping. Hopefully you can get it to work :)
Erik said:
I don't know the issue you're having, but the coupon is going to be active until December 19.


Make sure you follow the directions, maybe something is going wrong.

I'm having the same issue...

Important Message
We're sorry. We didn't recognize the promotional claim code you entered. Perhaps you typed it in incorrectly? Please double-check for transposed or omitted numbers or letters before re-entering.

I cut and pasted the code right off the page you linked to...

I wonder if its because it really isn't Amazon selling the unit:
Usually ships in 1-2 business days from WholesalersClub
Amazon is seling it. If you look on the webpage it gives you other sellers. It will take 1-2week to ship from amazon. However when I ordered mine it said it will ship on dec 13. Im not in a hurry to get it. Make sure you are clicking amazon and not wholesalersclub.
Odd they put someone else at the top of the buy now list. When I clicked on the Amazon link it did work as advertized.
There's a bunch of different "Add To Cart" buttons on the page. Each add to cart button let's you buy the product from a different vendor. The big one at the top is for buying it from some place call Wholesale Warehouse. If you look below that button you will see an Add To Cart from Amazon. That one works with free shipping and the coupon (just did it :cool: ). The big one doesn't (that's what I did first :banghead: ).
i did this and it gets added to my cart and all. on the item page the price is $126 from amazon, when i actually add it to my car the price jumps to $150!

anyone else having this problem? it also says my item won't be here by christmas.... what is this nonsense??
The deal with Amazon for $125.99 is now dead, it is now $149.99. Third party people are now selling it for $126.95, but the $25 coupon isn't applicable. I'll mark this dead.

Sorry for everyone that didn't get in on this in time.
Thanks for a great deal spoofee! I ordered mine yersterday and I got it today! I can't believe it got here this fast w/ free shipping. I ran it a little bit just to see how it did and it is a great deal even if they raise the price a little bit. It does take 7hrs to charge but it will be worth the wait :) Thanx again!