Defeat Bush bumper stickers

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I think its fair to have that if we can offer the following...

K/O Kerry?
kabosh Kerry?
Kaopectate Kerry for those of us who know what this planet would be if he was elected?
Thanks for my 2 cents worth......... LOL
:claps: :D
NO MORE BUSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pass out Razers to all the ladies:)~
I'm with Slavin!

What about pimps and johns? Do we get in free too? :hmm:
Only if you bring booze and your best employees. Oh and cigars too, in case Clinton shows up.
Since we were atacked on 9-11, How many Scumbag Terrorist has BUSH removed from this Planet!! More that I can count. And he's still going!! And we have not been attacked since then.. I have my first Baby on the way, And I want the little sucker to not live in fear in the GREATEST Country in the WORLD!! Just my opinion. No offense to anyone.

I would vote for God first, if he was running. :claps:
Hhhmmm...Let me see...
Economy has gone to heck... High unemployment... Gas prices are astronomical.. Dick Cheney's company running the oil fields in Iraq... Haliburton investigated for overcharging millions of dollars... Bush also big oil man... Who's pocket is all of our money going into?? :hmm:

User "Power" should get some kind of meritorious award for finding that site!
No no no. The economy was already on the down turn when Bush got into office. The dot com bubble was popping (started in late '99). Investors where losing their shirts, and thousands and thousands of employees were losing their jobs. In all areas, not just IT.

And it continued to snowball with all the accounting scandals that started coming out around that time. Suddenly investors were even more scared, pulling their money out of the markets, and not spending as consumers. Which continued the downward spiral.

Then throw in 9/11 and yeah, your gonna have a dip in the economy, and loss of jobs. None of these factors were directly Bush related.

A few years later now, and everything is on the up swing. Guess tax cuts work. Put more money in people's pockets, and they spend more. More disposable income. Then businesses and services have to produce more. Which means they generally need more workers and more people are employed.

Up next, I'll cover the oil issue. You can't argue with facts.

Here are some facts

Under Bush, Rich Get Richer While Outlook for Poor and Middle Class Grows Bleaker
The Associated Press reports that the total net worth of America's richest people rose 10 percent to $955 billion this year from 2002, according to Forbes magazine's annual ranking of the nation's 400 wealthiest individuals. Unfortunately, things are not going nearly as well for the rest of the country, according to two recently released Census Bureau reports. These reports show that median household income declined 1.1 percent in real terms from the 2001 figure to $42,409. Furthermore, the number of people in the U.S. living in poverty has risen for the second year in a row to 34.6 million, an increase of nearly 3 million people since 2000. The proportion of Americans living in poverty increased to 12.1 percent in 2002 from 11.7 percent in 2001—an additional 1.7 million people in poverty.
Sources: Frederick, Md. News-Post, "Net Worth of America's Richest Rises After Two-Year Decline," Sept. 20, 2003; U.S. Census Bureau, "Poverty in the United States: 2002," Sept. 2003; U.S. Census Bureau, "Income in the United States: 2002," Sept. 2003

Bush Economy: Temporary Growth, Lasting Damage
While George W. Bush has been touting good news on the economy, the picture is not quite so rosy, especially in the long term. The Boston Globe reports that recent economic growth is not "merely a lucky accident." According to the Globe, Bush's enormous military and security spending, and two of the largest tax cuts in the nation's history are likely to result in "short-term growth and long-term damage." The Globe describes the economic policies of the Bush administration as a "crude and destructive cocktail of stimulants." Even if the recent positive economic signals temporarily take hold, "the administration's policies will weaken the economy over time, fall particularly harshly on its working middle- and low- income citizens, and fail to prepare the nation for a century of far more intense global competition."
Source: Boston Globe, "Boom and Bust," Nov. 9, 2003.
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Mr. Democrap

President Bush, you suck for giving us income tax rebates, i.e. you gave me back my money.
President Bush, you suck for cutting taxes to those of us who paid income taxes.
President Bush, you suck for giving tax rebates even to those who paid no income tax IN THE FIRST PLACE.

People of America, please elect someone who will raise our taxes. Please elect someone who will eliminate those d**n tax rebates. We are not interested with integrity or honesty (reference Clinton era). Socialists of America unite!
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