Dell SB 3000 2.8GHz P4 512MB, 80GB, CD-RW/DVD with 17" LCD for $458 Shipped

Staff member
Dec 21, 2001
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Dell SB 3000 2.8GHz P4 512MB, 80GB, CD-RW/DVD with 17" LCD for $458 Shipped

Dell Small Business has a decent deal on a system. The system comes with Intel Pentium 4 2.8GHz, 512mb of memory, 80gb of disk space, 17" analog LCD, 48X CD-RW, DVD-ROM, Keyboard, and Mouse.

1. Click here to go to Dell SB.
2. Click on Desktops
3. Click on Dimension Outrageous Deal with FREE...
4. Select the 2nd from the left ( $399 after rebate bundle )
5. Customize to the following
- CD or DVD Drives - SAVE $50! Single Drive : 48x CD-RW / DVD-ROM ($10)
- Monitors - SAVE $150! 17 inch E173FP Analog Flat Panel ($49)
6. Rebate Price : -$150.00
Final Price : $458.00
is it just me or is that really cheap?
Darks said:
is it just me or is that really cheap?

It is actually not that cheap, there have been better deals than this. But it is still a good price. :)
I think it's cheap. Maybe a bit inexpensive too. LOL
well this is half the amount of my current computer and twice as fast. i guess it's been awhile since i've looked up computer prices. i must be really behind with the times.