Drunken Pig fired from a cannon


Not clubbys hoe
Mar 9, 2004
Reaction score
In the name of science.


you got to love the germans , DISCUSS
I wonder what the point was of wasting all that alcohol on that dang pig?
nigdonht said:
I wonder what the point was of wasting all that alcohol on that dang pig?

You non scientests shall never understand :mad:
nigdonht said:
I wonder what the point was of wasting all that alcohol on that dang pig?

I would think the pig got the alcohol to keep it calm so it didnt hurt its self. :beer_yum:
I wonder if he was hungover the next day? :hmm:
i think they were soviet, with the russian vodka (CCCP) and red star
i don't know.... (channeling the brainwashed sympathizer again)... haven't you ever had enough vodka that you thought it might be fun to be launched from a cannon?! i mean, he DID have a parachute.... :p
the little piggy probably was made a hero, lived a long life, but ultimately ended up being ground into sausage, filling the bellies of many satisfied consumers, and now is food for the worms
No wonder we beat them into outerspace :confused:

Where was PETA was you needed them?
precocious said:
No wonder we beat them into outerspace :confused:

Where was PETA was you needed them?

I ask the same thing when i see you with a gun :(
Oh little coon-dog.......


Where are you?

This might be where the saying "when pigs fly " came from..
exactly.........it also applies to dehawk 'dating' anyone but Helen Keller (sorry about that Helen).....:(.......well, I think even Helen would refuse...she still had the sense of smell....:rolleyes: