DSL/Cable Broadband Internet Deals


Diamond Member
Jan 13, 2003
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This one made me think about a friend. He's currently paying $49.95 for his 1.5/384 EarthLink/Covad DSL. With a one year contract, SBC will give you their 1.5/128 DSL for $30 a month. SBC seems like a better deal. I've never been on an SBC connection as I use Comcast myself, but to anyone with the option of getting SBC DSL over dial-up or another DSL provider, it's probably a better deal than many other companies.

Of course a lot of factors go into getting or switching your DSL provider, but the speed to price ratio of this package is a good deal.

If anyone has questions, let me know. I'm an expert on broadband.

Edit: On another note, I'll include Verizon's pricing, since that's a good deal too. On the east coast and other Verizon areas, Verizon will give you their 1.5/128 DSL package for $35/mo. Bundled with their Verizon Freedom phone service at around $50-$60 a month, the DSL drops to $30/mo. I prefer cable technology to DSL and I'm on Comcast right now, so I'm not going to switch to Verizon, who is in my area. Again, many factors play a role in speed, performance and reliability, so you really need to think of what's best for you. I'll include many DSL/Cable prices below for comparason. I'm in the mood to post. :P

Comcast High Speed Internet (ATTBI pricing also):

1500/256 with 1 DHCP IP: $42.95
1500/256 with 1 DHCP IP and modem rental: $45.95
1500/256 with 1 DHCP IP and NO COMCAST VIDEO SERVICE: $57.95
1500/256 with 1 DHCP IP and NO COMCAST VIDEO SERVICE and modem rental: $60.95

Verizon Online DSL:

1500/128 with 1 PPPoE IP: $34.95
1500/128 with 1 PPPoE IP and Verizon Freedom phone: $29.95

EarthLink DSL:

1500/128 with 1 PPPoE IP: $49.95
(Many lines are provisioned at 1500/384 through Covad.)

BellSouth FastAccess DSL:

1500/256 with 1 PPPoE IP: $45

Optimum Online:

10000/1000 (maximum caps) with 1 DHCP IP: $44.95
10000/1000 (maximum caps) with 1 DHCP IP AND NO VIDEO SERVICE: $49.95

Those are some popular ones. If I see any others, I'll post them.

For now, take a look at those for comparason.
One might also want to consider RoadRunner cable by Earthlink. I currently have it. I get 2000/384 kbps for $42 a month and no contract or equipment purchase. I believe they currently are running a deal for 6 months at half price ($21 each month). For those of you who a cell phone is your only phone, this makes sense, because when you get DSL, you also have to have an active phone land line, whether you use it or not.
Road Runner is a provider I forgot. Thanks for adding.
One thing that must be stressed is to find out whether DSL and cable is available in your area.

For example, DSL is limited by the cable length your telephone wires are from the CO (Central office). In addition, only the traditional copper / metal wiring can work for dsl, so anyone having fiber optic lines will be unable to have that service.

Cable seems to be limited by provider. For me, no cable providers service my area, so I am out of luck in that range.

When it comes to changing service providers (DSL-to-DSL), it will generally take two weeks of downtime to complete, so be prepared for that. I dont know the downtimes of changing from cable-to-cable and I expect that with proper planning you shouldnt have much downtime at all for DSL-to-cable or vice versa.

Anyways, sorry for the slightly unrelated post, but I hope it was informational, I've had to change providers before.
I completely agree! Everyone, thanks for adding. I have to run off to bed now but I can talk more about this tomorrow.