eBay - $5 Off $50 | $15 off $100 Coupons


Staff member
Dec 21, 2001
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eBay has two new coupons when you pay by paypal.

10% off ( Up to $25 ) : C1-Holiday2005
$5.00 off $50.00 : C2-Holiday2005
$15.00 off $100.00 : C3-Holiday2005

Note : YMMV, it may not work with your account. You won't find out if they will definitely work for you until you are about to pay. Use only if you are okay paying full price in case it does not pan out.

Update : Today (11/08), they have a 10 cent fixed price listing day.
for what exactly?

Is this for sellers fees? Or if you just by something off of ebay?
Man, if only this was one of yesterday's deals. I bought a new camera from eBay just a few hours ago.. Boooo! Hissss! oh well, thanks still!
i haven't tried this coupon out, but saw it at "another site" *hehe* Hopefully it works though.

10% off, $25 maximum savings code C1-Holiday2005

oh, on the same site, it says this Expires: 11/30/2005
You gotta be kidding, you can't find out if you can use the coupons until AFTER committing to the purchase?? Good grief :confused:

well, i suppose it would be useful for people who HAVE made purchases but haven't paid for them yet. So even if it DIDN'T work, there's nothing to lose.

I'll definitely be using those coupon codes and will let everyone know if they work for me or not.

(update: I used all three and there's a error code that says
This Redemption Code has not yet been activated. Please try using it later. )

I have no idea when it'll be activated though. But I'll keep trying.
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Are these for any paypal payment, or only for ebay? I often buy from websites that accept paypal, can it work for them also?
sorry LiveSquid, I really don't know..the main ( if not only ) reason i have a PayPal account (well, it's hubby's really..LOL ) is for ebay purchases. Let's hope someone else can help answer your question. :)
Yay it worked for me!!!

One thing to note:

Shipping and handling costs are not included in the coupons.

For example, if you "buy-it-now" on an item that was $99.99 with $10 S/H, you can't use the $15 of $100 code.

Thanks for the deal spoofee!
Paypal code

I read on a different discount/coupon site that they might only work with "Buy It Now" purchases. Not sure if that's the case, b/c I haven't tried it yet, but I thought I would pass it on. Has anyone tried a BIN purchase?
I actually recieved these offers in the mail today. On the paper it said for BIN purchases only. :confused:
$15 off $100 worked for "buy it now." Just got a Nintendo DS. Thanks!
what..?! i just bought like a bunch of things from ebay in the past 2 wks...and i had been looking for coupon codes like crazy....
HimNameTuStah said:
Thank you very much! Coupon worked!

Can you confirm if it was for "Buy it now" or an Auction Purchase
C1-Holiday2005 worked for me with regular (not BIN) auction
I just bought an Oral B Triumph toothbrush on regular auction. I tried the coupons and was allowed to use either C1 or C2. So here you go, it works!

Thanks spoofee.

BTW is there an ebay page about the coupon, like they did with the 'Celebrate' coupon?