Electrasol 3 in 1 Tabs from WalMart

Pretty sweet. We prefer electrosol tabs to cascade coz they do clean pretty neat.
Thank you!

Please allow up to six weeks for your free sample to arrive in your mailbox.

Thanks SyLeNt!:claps: Great find, very useful :)
None of the Walmart free samples are working for me. When I try to open the free sample link it does nothing.
Worked for me. Now I just have to wait 6 weeks for it (I wonder if I will remember that I ordered this) :hmm:
I got these in the mail yesterday. Not just a single sample either - there were 3 packets in there (enough for 3 loads of dishes). It's nice to get a few to try instead of just one. FYI this offer is still available.
I got a printable coupon about 3 years ago for Electrasol 3 Tabs.
I have enough to last me 10 years I figured. I filled a med size kitchen trash can with them. I also got lysol products, M&m's, Seria Mist. Free I gave most of the Seira Mist away!
I got mine in the mail this morning. I can't wait to see how they work. Thanks.
I got mine too. This is actually one of the only kinds we use. I look at it as three free loads of dishes done. LOL
mine came in the mail yesterday. I hope the other samples I requested come in soon.