Escort has really changed the game with there new line with GPS filtering and such in them. The biggest complaints I've seen is some times the filtering is to good in them causing the new 9500xx series to miss instant on radar. A guy here at the office bought a 9500ix and used it for almost a year, but he said there were at least three or four times he knew he was painted by instant on, but the 9500ix never went off.
He's now running a V1 and while it is very chatty it has never failed to miss an instant on. He was saying the V1 is so sensitive that if someone is in front or behind him w/ a cheap cobra or the like it will set off his V1 just from the leakage from that detector.
All that being said, I just picked up a 9500i used for pretty cheap and I just sent it in to be upgrade to an ix. It will be interesting to see how it preforms compared to my 8500 x50 that I've used for years.