Hmmm. The gmail is a bit odd. University sponsered research should have an .edu address.
So it might be some students. But they will have some explaining to do. Lots of strict regualtions about the use of human subjects in research..EVEN filling out the surveys. Have to protect privacy. Have to have SOME type of debriefng. If they caused any potential "harm" to a subject - they have to have a written plan to return them to their "pre-research" state.
They are not just allowed to mess with people and then let them be.
If this was legitimate research - then I highly doubt they will let those of us who started - continue. Because the design was for so many days in a row - and then a certain number of days until the last response.
Here is what I DID copy:
"Hello and welcome to the study on worrying!
This study will take 4 separate days to complete. It will only take about 20 minutes each day.
You will receive a $10 gift card to TARGET or BARNES AND NOBLE if you successfully complete ALL 4 DAYS in the study.
Here is an overview of the tasks you will be completing:
Day 1: Complete surveys and 1st writing task
Day 2: (Next Day) Complete 2nd writing task
Day 3: (Next Day) Complete 3rd writing task
Day 4: (7 to 11 days after Day 3) Complete final survey
Also, you need to make sure you use the SAME COMPUTER each day. Thank you!"
So depending which "group" they put you in the survey would not be completed until the 7th or 11th day AFTER filling out the three days.
So, again, they would have to change the design of the whole survey OR start with a whole new group of people.
BUT -- most Universities have to have ALL research involving human subjects (including surveys) APPROVED through a Human Subject Review Board.
They cannot just STOP a research and leave people hanging. Regardless of whether they give the gift cards. Regardless of whether they get a whole new group of subjects - They can NOT just START a research project with human subjects and then disappear.
They DO have OUR email addresses - and we SHOULD be contacted by THEM.
Yeah... ask people personal questions about their worrying and anxiety - and then just PULL the survey with NO explaination.
That doesn't cut it in University research. In University research - the researcher has a responsibility and a duty to their subjects. They can't leave them hang midstream - no matter what the reason they stopped the survey.
What if something got "triggered" taking the survey? Or something else?
They SHOULD have listed their contact information for their "subjects" to contact them with any problems - Not having anything to do with the gifts cards.
It is just a you don't mess around in people's minds and then disappear type thing.
Geez!! Maybe we can find out the name of the University and then email the Human Subject Research Panel nonstop -- "OMG! I am SOOOOOOOOO WORRIED now!!! I told them PERSONAL information and they disappeared!!! Was it something I said? Are they mad at me? What should I do? I can't stop thinking about it!!!!"
try this i sent them an email this morning
[email protected]. still haven't heard anything back but i didn't come back either. good luck let me know if you hear anything.