(Expired) 25 RiDATA DVD+Rs for $1.99 Shipped After Rebate

It's $10.99 not $11.99, making it $0.99 after rebate.
Good deal! Thanks. (for me it's $1.79 after rebate including tax, but still very cheap)
shipping for me is $5.64...free shipping for you guys?
same here. shipping cost me like 5.64:(
what did i do wrong??
I got free shipping on mine but I guess it ended?
I got mine for $10.99 w/free shipping... (.99 after rebate) but I did it immediately after reading the post. This deal comes around every couple of weeks. Sometimes for $1.99 (after rebate) & sometimes for $2.99... all good deals, but I guess you have to pounce on it quickly! Good luck next time!