(Expired) Chick-fil-a Free Breakfast


Silver Member
Sep 7, 2007
Reaction score
Chick-fil-a has a new website under construction called http://www.freebreakfastnow.com/

It says please return at 7:30pm tonight when promotion begins, so I assume they'll be announcing something during bowl game tonight. Just a heads up for everyone, check the website tonight, and good luck Joyce hope your having a good time with the chick-fil-a people.
Unfortunately, less than an hour later, it reads, "Sorry, the promotion is over" :(
Just checked and it's ready for the 7;30pm EST start time! Log in then...See you there and remember to EAT MORE CHICKN'!
heh heh, I'll BE BACK, I am so hoping Joyce wins that million!! If she does I hope she remembers us little people, LOL!

Sorry that cow is so big, I thought I only picked up the cow and although I know the code to make it smaller, I am not sure it works in these forums.. So big cow for now

Yummm... those chicken biscuits are delicious. Thanks for the post!!
Thanks for the post! I got a coupon for a free biscuit& a 2008 calendar plus they are sending a gift card and you have to take it to chick-fil-a to see if you have $100.00 on it or not Too cool!! Thanks for the post!!!! :yo:
Thanks ... my message was same as above!
Thanks for the post! I got a coupon for a free biscuit& a 2008 calendar plus they are sending a gift card and you have to take it to chick-fil-a to see if you have $100.00 on it or not Too cool!! Thanks for the post!!!!

Same here! The Terms & Conditions say that you can also find out if your gift card has $100.00 on it "by calling 1-888-232-1864". That is great, since my nearest Chick-fil-a is 80 miles away!

Thanks for the post.
I didn't get to watch the Bowl Game - was Joyce chosen to do the big million contest? Thanks for the great post - can't wait to receive the coupon, calendar and gift card opportunity! Thanks for the great post, otherwise, I would never had known about it and missed out! HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Hi, Joyce!!:wave: Hope you are having the time of your life!!:dancing: I didn't get to talk to you before you left.:( We all miss you!!:flowers: :hug: Can't wait to have you back--Happy New Year!!:cocktail: :horn: