(Expired) Dell Inspiron 6000 Pentium M 1.6ghz Laptop for $657


Staff member
Dec 21, 2001
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(Expired) Dell Inspiron 6000 Pentium M 1.6ghz Laptop for $657

Dell Home has the Dell Inspiron 6000 Penium M 725 1.6ghz, 15.4" LCD, 512mb of memory, 80gb Hard Drive, 24X CD-RW/DVD, wireless card and Windows XP home or media center for a good price.

1. Click here to get the setup
2. Change the Security Software to No Security Subscription [subtract $79]
3. Click Continue, Continue, Add to Cart
4. Coupon Price : -$50.00 | Code : ZMLBMJ0SB4FTFM
Final Price : $657 + Handeling ( $19 )

Slightly Lower Spec Configuration for $592 + Ship ( $35 difference )
- Comes with Celeron and 60gb hard drive
1. Click here to get the setup
2. Change the Security Software to No Security Subscription [subtract $79]
3. Click Continue, Continue, Add to Cart
4. Coupon Price : -$50.00 | Code : ZMLBMJ0SB4FTFM
Final Price : $592 + Shipping ( $49 )
Can't seem to get the $657 price

Upon click through, the following comes up:
Inspiron 6000
From $1,336 Now from $886.

Subtracting the $79 doesn't get you to $657. Also $50 coupon is invalid.

Any suggestions on how to get this great deal?
smpinkowski said:
Upon click through, the following comes up:
Inspiron 6000
From $1,336 Now from $886.

Subtracting the $79 doesn't get you to $657. Also $50 coupon is invalid.

Any suggestions on how to get this great deal?
Sadly, it doesn't look like anyone will be able to get this deal now. :(
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